Throat Chakra

Visuddha (or Throat Chakra)
Located at the central base of neck

Associated colour
Associated scents

Patchouli, Lavender
Associated crystals

Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine
Associated astrological sign

Gemini and Virgo

Too open
Over talkative, dogmatic, arrogant, self righteous
Unreliable, holds back from self-expression, inconsistent
Good communicator, artistic, content, meditative

The blue of this energy center spins its truth in our throat, helping us to be authentic in the way we live our lives. The throat chakra is where we communicate, where we are able to openly share our life perspective. Part of speaking truthfully involves carefully considering our words and the effect they will have once they have been spoken, causing us to consciously choose what we say to others. This, however, does not mean that we bottle our words up inside. It means that we try to look at all perspectives and find a respectful way to present our voice. Be clear, ask for what you want.

Turquoise, Blue Agate, Aquamarine

Body Part(s)
Thyroid, controls metabolism

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